OTA Testing Lab

  Dejet has established the OTA lab which meets the requirements of CTIA OTA Test Plan v3.4.2. To provide customers with an active or a passive antenna test environment.

  (1)Service Scopes:

  Active Antenna Testing

    •TRP(Total Radiated Power)

    •TIS(Total Isotopic Sensitivity)

    •NHPRP(Near Horizon Partial Radiated Power)

    •NHPIS(Near Horizon Isotropic Sensitivity)

    •EIRP(Effective Isotropic Radiated Power)/ERP(Effective Radiated Power)

    •PEIRP(Peak Effective Isotropic Radiated Power)

  Passive Antenna Testing

    •Gain(dBi): Gain(dBd)

    •Radiation Pattern

    •Input Impedance



    •3dB BW/FB Ratio

    •Cross polar/Isolation



  (2)Testing Capabilities:









  (3)Test Systems

    ETS AMS8500